Industry Leaders Call For Pooling of Apprenticeship Levy Fund

For the construction industry, the Construction Leadership Council has commenced a skills plan.

This plan allows the employers to pool apprenticeship levy funds for the betterment of employees.

The board of chief executive Mace CEO Mark Reynolds and Sarah Beale has taken the initiative of this four-year strategy to deal with priorities:

  • To improve routes in the construction industry
  • To have better standards and qualifications
  • Training and development of workers
  •  For better education, culture, as well as a working environment

What is the Apprenticeship Levy?

The apprenticeship levy was made with the aim to have long-term sustainable funds for apprenticeships. Further, it allows employers to have more control to offer a range of  training schemes and opportunities to their employees.

Here, levy means the availability of more money for apprenticeship training and allows employers to decide which, how, and when apprenticeships they should offer. By the end of 2020, the fund available for investment in apprenticeships has increased to over £2.5 billion.

Before the announcement of the latest Budget, the industrial leaders advise the government to reform the apprenticeship levy. Now the new plan permits employers to collect funds together so that they can strategically tackle all the requirements to have better skills.

It also focuses on the development of several new sets of construction traineeship programs for the growth of workers in their field. In addition, employees will also have further learning regarding construction in order to boost and support routes into the business.

The new Budget has not to mention specifically to allow organizations to transfer more of their levy funds. Though, Alasdair Reisner- Civil Engineering Contractors says that the UK government is well aware of the industry, and the plan will definitely work to boost apprenticeship numbers.

All in all, the new apprenticeship plan will offer diverse opportunities for the young generation to work on the most exciting construction projects.

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